Dominance Escalation: Introduction

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Welcome to Sexual Dominance Escalation! In this series of articles, I will walk you through the mindset, psychology, and the actual physical aspects of this beautiful art that unlocks the deepest instincts and desires of your woman!

Let me get a few basic matters drilled into your head first, so I don't have to repeat myself all throughout this series:

This is, in many ways, a playful act that is done between two consenting adults. It is NOT an invitation to trespass your woman's boundaries. If you're in doubt about your ability to read her body language, make sure conversations are held in advance.

If you're inexperienced, this series aims to equip you with a clear linear progression to build your skills in the bedroom—do not skip through chapters.

A certain level of trust and social skill is required at the advanced level. Without your woman trusting your intentions, you'll come off as try-hard or creepy.

Now with that out of the way, let's get started.

The Skill


Look, nobody is born good in bed. This is a mindset to develop over time like any other. Unfortunately, it will require practice, and if you're bad in bed, you get fewer opportunities to practice. So it somewhat cascades on itself.

The purpose of this series is to allow any man, regardless of his level of experience, to pick up the various mindsets and techniques that I learned throughout my life.

The Core Psychological Aspects


We'll constantly encounter themes that relate to this in the upcoming chapters: sexual dominance is not just a physical act; it's primarily a psychological one that requires a sense of comfort on her part. You are not actually forcing her to do anything (you dumbass!), you're giving your woman a sense of safety in the embrace of a strong, masculine, and dominant man.

Women nowadays have to carry a lot on their shoulders and constantly be in the masculine role. Giving her the gift of letting go of control, even for mere hours, is one she can't buy with all her money.

Sex is where we become both physically and metaphorically naked, where our deepest and darkest desires and fears come into play between partners. Having your woman feel your loving embrace and your rough grip will send her through the motions and get her to experience a multitude of intense feelings.

Being confident and dominant in bed will signal to your woman, at a very basic reptilian brain level, that you're a strong masculine man with the capacity to pick up your spear and ward off that saber-toothed tiger salivating by your cave. Satisfying her most instinctual desires of safety will create an unshakable bond that will manifest itself in many aspects of your relationship.

Women Won't Teach You, They'll Just Fantasize About Someone Else


Being the kind of guy who's comfortable leading in the bedroom signals to women that you "just get it". Do not expect your woman to baby-step you into becoming a better lover. It's your job to build the skill yourself and constantly get better at reading her bodily reactions.

The ironic thing here is that women lose instinctual attraction to men that they have to teach how to lead. That would mean she needs to step into her masculine role, which reverses the polarity of attraction and thus puts you in the more feminine role, killing attraction along the way.


If she tells you to stop and you gracefully back off, this sends the signal that you're in control of your emotions and desires. This cultivates a sense of safety and trust that will allow her to feel comfortable letting go of control with you.

A common mistake I hear guys making is expressing disappointment or even anger when their woman brings the escalation of the interaction to a halt—this is bad fellas! Sex is not something your woman owes you because you've been a good boy and took out the trash. Sex is a manifestation of a deep bond and a hedonistic exercise of mutual joy. Never guilt her for not wanting to relieve you of your pressing desires!

That's it for the intro. In the next chapter, I will dig a little further into the mindset upon which the foundation of a great dominant sexual experience lays. Ciao!

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